
365 Photo Challenge.

I've started the 365 Photo Challenge - where you're supposed to take and post a photo every day for an entire year. I'm onto my ninth day and really liking it. I'm getting more natural shots by doing this. Here are the nine photos that I've taken so far.

June 21st 2010 - Day Nine
I'm one of those girls who don't think they're fat, but still have qualms about it. It's only natural, right? I'm nit-picky about certain things regarding my body. I want to be more toned. Again, I do not, by any means, think I'm fat. I'm also obsessive, just a little nit-picky.

June 20th 2010 - Day Eight

June 19th 2010 - Day Seven
I'm terrified of heights. Terrified. But I went on the ferris wheel last night - all my friends were proud of me. This year is the year of firsts for me, so many new and exciting experiences and adventures. ..I've been on a ferris wheel before, mind you.

June 18th 2010 - Day Six
This is how I preserve my sanity while at work - listening to music, not watching the fireworks.

June 17th 2010 - Day Five
At the end of the day, I still have me. With you, I was able to be myself. Without you, I am still…me.

June 16th 2010 - Day Four
"I will awake these coming mornings with my eyes dry and shining full of the knowledge I am priceless and worth nothing but honesty." - Mayda Del Valle

June 15th 2010 - Day Three
"The fall of a leaf is a whisper to the living" - Russian Proverb

June 14th 2010 - Day Three
Always find beauty in the little things - I've come to learn that lately. I appreciate moments like this so much more.

June 13th 2010 - Day One Last night's melancholy mood spilled into my morning. This too shall pass.

- MG



I just signed up for twitter today -- click here to follow @martikaGphotog.
Recent news/updates, photos, links etc. can be found there as well.

- MG

Lindzy (Spot 6)

**More photos from this shoot can be viewed on my flickr page**

Wardrobe Stylists: Heidi Ondrusek, Erin Young
MUA: Nora Sherry


New Website!

I'm so excited because my website is so close to completion! We've been working hard to integrate all of my photography-related sites, blogs and portfolios into one site.

I would like to send a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me thus far - through volunteering to be in a shoot, hiring me for a shoot or an event, giving me feedback or simply viewing my photos. I hope that you continue to follow my work as I learn and grow as a photographer.

- Martika Gregory

DJ Kid Jah

My great friend, DJ Kid Jah, stopped by yesterday for a photo shoot for his website. He decided that he'd edit the photos himself, but I couldn't resist editing some for my own portfolio. All of the photos can be viewed on my flickr portfolio, but here is a sneak peek:

- MG

Shivani Persad

Beauty Shot - no makeup whatsoever

This is just a little preview of the photo shoot of Shivani Persad that I conducted yesterday. The photos came out beautifully - but I already knew they would, just look at her. The rest of the photos can viewed on my flickr portfolio.

- MG



At the Marijuana March, I snapped a couple photos of one of my best friends and I want to share.

- MG

Toronto Marijuana March 2010

On May 1st, the Marijuana March took place in and around Queens Park in Toronto. The turn out was absolutely amazing - I think they said around 40,000 people came to participate in the peaceful demonstration. My friends and I arrived at around noon and stayed until 6pm. We grabbed a spot close to the main stage so that we could enjoy the music. I was able to get a bunch of great photos :)

Above - Toronto artist, Saukrates, performs.

Above - 4:20 PM

Above - Marc Emery addresses the crowd

- MG


My Saris

I adore these masterpieces on fabric. I want to start a collection - I'm at 2 at the moment :)

- MG